Loving Kindness Meditation
Feel the love…
As part of my mission to truly shape a better world, I'd love to give you a gift.
Enter your details below to receive your copy of my guided ‘Loving Kindness’ guided meditation.
This 13-minute meditation will change your physiology in the moment and, with daily practice, over time, will change your brain for the better…
Experience the effects of love and kindness for yourself …
As our modern way of living moves away from the connectedness of living in communities with extended families and more towards socially isolated living and working, I believe it is important for us to learn ways to maintain the protective qualities that regular social interactions and opportunities for connection and
kindness would have historically provided us
Luckily for us we can cultivate kindness within.
The Buddhist tradition has already perfected and packaged this practice into the simple, yet profound, Loving Kindness meditation or Metta meditation.
“ May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you ride the waves of your life
May you live in peace
no matter what you are given”
This simple and short practice is an exercise in extending unconditional kindness out from ourselves to all beings. It changes your physiology in the moment, and with regular practice over time, it has amazing benefits as it changes our brain and changes how we relate with ourselves and everyone else we encounter through-out our day.
One study of this meditation observed shifts in people’s daily experiences of a wide range of positive emotions, including love, joy, contentment, gratitude, pride, hope, interest, amusement, and awe. It associated these shifts with increases in a variety of personal resources, including mindful attention, self-acceptance, positive relations with others, and good physical health. They concluded that the gains in personal resources led participants to become more satisfied with their lives and to experience fewer depressive symptoms.
For more information on how our thoughts and feelings affect our health check out the Alive Magazine column I wrote that inspired this Loving Kindness Meditation offering.